The first annual Carol Logue Biblio-fellowship Award was announced at our 2011 Holiday Dinner. Aldus trustees developed the award in Carol’s honor because of her deep involvement in creating activities and fellowship, the resulting memories which have contributed to the success of our organization since our beginning. Carol initiated the idea of our popular women’s lunches, where women members meet every few months to share new friendships and to talk about bookish and artistic locales they have visited (and so much more!). These luncheons have always been interesting, educational and fun. Carol was Aldus’ first secretary, expertly documenting the early history of Aldus. She also sent out our press releases resulting in new member prospects attending our early programs. Carol’s enthusiasm for life, books, and Aldus was unbounded and her happy laughter will always live in our hearts.
In establishing the award, the committee members followed this criteria for the award: “The recipient has devoted time and energy (and possibly their own funds) to promote or bring to fruition a special program, idea or activity which brings Aldus members together in the spirit of biblio-fellowship.”
2024: Emerson Gilbert
Emerson and his wife Carol joined the Aldus Society shortly after it was
founded in 2000. They attended Bob Tauber’s talk on the Logan Elm Press and were hooked. A year later, Emerson was on the Board of Trustees. Over the years he has served as Treasurer several times and was President in 2014-2015. In 2023, he volunteered for the vacant position of Membership Chair, which landed him back on the Board of Trustees. He and Carol have been loyal, active members of Aldus over the last 24 years, and the Society has benefited from his long and wide-ranging professional experiences and affiliations. Emerson was formerly the president and owner of Hannah News Service, which covered the Ohio Legislature. Previously, he served as the Director of the Indiana University Purdue University campus and VP of Administration at Saginaw Valley State University. Thanks to Emerson for his steadfast contributions to the Society and to our biblio-fellowship.
2023: Tony Sanfilippo
The Aldus Society was so lucky to have connected with Tony when
he joined us many years ago. If there is anyone who logically should
be a member of our society, it is probably Tony. He has worked in
publishing for nearly 20 years as the director of the OSU Press, and
about that long with the Penn State Press University Press prior to coming to Columbus. He co-owned a bookstore associated with Penn State Press. He is a published author, and he is currently a board member of the Ohio
Humanities Council. Tony had been a member of the Aldus Board of Trustees for many years as well as a long-standing member of the Program Committee. He recently handed over his role as our website manager to trustee Tom Metz. And, for many years, he has been our financial auditor. Tony has also been a program presenter, including participation as a panel member for the Bookselling program.
2022: Nancy and Harry Campbell
To enthusiastic applause and appreciation, it was announced at the December Holiday Dinner that Harry and Nancy Campbell are the recipients of the 2022 Carol Logue Award for Biblio-fellowship. They have worked independently yet cohesively as a team over many years to promote interest, knowledge, and friendship within the group. It was no small feat that Aldus survived – even thrived – during the COVID pandemic. The group has risen from that period of isolation with new members as well as many stalwarts, to begin regular programming this year. Harry and Nancy helped carry the torch through that dark period, fostering productive communication with the board and membership. Programming continued through Zoom and other make-shift sessions. Not knowing when the pandemic would end certainly made the task especially difficult.
Nancy has worked tirelessly in many different areas of Aldus over the years. She has served on the Board and held the labor-intensive position of Membership Chair for several years. She organized committees and provided valuable insights to the problems and questions raised. Nancy volunteered to work on nearly every Aldus social function, especially the summer picnics and holiday dinners and auctions. For the past many months she has coordinated the continuing monthly lunch gatherings of the Women Aldines. And, she has done all this while holding a research position in the State Historic Preservation Office at The Ohio History Connection.
For many years Harry has been a hardworking and faithful Aldus supporter. He has been an organizer and presenter; he has served commendably on the Program Committee; he has been a member of the Aldus Board, and, a recent past President of The Aldus Society. Currently, Harry is the editor of The Aldus Society Newsletter, upholding the established standards of quality that have been established by his predecessors.
Without a doubt Harry and Nancy are more than deserving of the 2022 Carol Logue Biblio-fellowship Award.
2021: none
2020: Leah Kalasky & George Bauman
Since 2013, Leah Kalasky has generously and cheerfully given to us the gift of her creativity, time, organizational skills, salesmanship, tech expertise, flair for design and gentle personality for practically every Aldus task and event. An active member of the Board for five years, Leah served as publicity chair for one term expanding Aldus’ reach to members of other book and literary-related organizations in Central Ohio.
While Leah served two terms as Membership Chair, it seems she has always been there inside the door at our program meetings, armed with the nametag boxes, greeting members and handing out membership information to guests. But behind the scenes, membership directories, renewal notices, follow-ups and welcome packets to new members don’t just happen. Databases of members, former members and prospects must be kept. And, new members must always be recruited. Leah left no list, lead or prospect go unturned to seek new members, to stabilize and grow our Aldus Society. Leah has performed so many essential tasks: Volunteered on the Summer Picnic and Holiday Party & Annual Auction committees; served as Chair of the Aldus 20th Anniversary Committee; created a new Business membership category to develop better relations with book-related establishments and their customers; successfully promoted a half-price dues special during the pandemic; provided member engagement during the pandemic, organizing the first virtual movie and discussion program with the free streaming of “The Booksellers”; helped design, mail and keep data lists for the annual Holiday Party and Auction.
George Bauman was co-owner of the Acorn Bookshop, and those who visited the shop during its 25-plus years of existence may have noticed a laminated Aldus poster on permanent exhibit. George Bauman actively recruited prospective members among his customers. Indeed, he has been a tireless promoter of the Aldus Society since its beginning as a founding member back in 2000. In fact, George has probably recruited more new Aldus members than anyone else in the Society. Truly, one of the founders of our fellowship! How many times have we heard new members say “I heard about Aldus at Acorn”?
The organization has benefitted over this span from his many talents and interests. George’s love of photography, for example, has generated a rich archive of Aldus history: meeting after meeting, event after event recorded by his ever present camera. He has served on various committees, including chairing the program committee. He has frequently contributed stories from his bookselling experiences in the newsletter. He has regularly hosted Aldus Collects, which permits interested members to share their treasures with the group. It is the love of books and the book arts we all have in common. And books, George will tell you, have always been a major part of his life, as a reader, as a writer and, for over 50 years, and as a bookseller. The Aldus Society is a community of bibliophiles. George has been a pillar of that community and a major contributor to our book culture.
2019: Geoff Smith
At long last, in 2019 the award went to founder Geoff Smith, whose continued involvement as a Trustee had rendered him previously ineligible to receive the award. When he finally resigned from the Board a lot of great minds had the same thought: Now Geoff can be given this award! So he was nominated and justice has been done.
Fellow founding member and past recipient of the Logue Award, Paul Watkins, presented the award. Paul and Geoff have been close friends for years, and the presentation gave Paul the chance to gleefully “roast” his biblio-comrade! However, he did have these serious words to say as part of his introduction of Geoff:
“Geoff was the founder our Aldus founders. It was his dream to have a bibliophilic society. He brought together, and hosted with Lois’s help, the organizing committee; he was responsible for putting together the original board; and was then voted in as our first president. He pushed and pulled and bullied our society into being. That was not enough apparently, so he became President of the Board of F.A.B.S., The Federation of Bibliophilic Societies, of which we are a member, bringing distinction to our own Aldus Society.”
Congratulations, Geoff – “Founder of our Aldus founders”
2018: Bill Rich
Bill is Professor Emeritus from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at OSU and a long-time member of Aldus. If he had chosen differently, he could have been Professor Emeritus from the Department of English, since he is an authority on 18th and 19th century British literature – a true renaissance man. Bill loves to share his very impressive rare books with fellow Aldines and has done so on many special occasions. Bill and his wife Bea hosted the annual Aldus Summer Picnic at their beautiful home for a number of years, always a perfect opportunity for members to hear his stories and enjoy his prize collections. It would be fair to say that when the subject is book-collecting Bill is usually considered the “expert in the room.”
Bill has been a strong supporter of Aldus, exemplifying the spirit of what our group is all about. He has contributed many scholarly articles to the newsletter, volunteered to be “on call” should our planned speaker fall ill or is unexpectedly delayed, and has presented at the January “Aldus Collects” program. He also gave a very informative presentation on first editions of 19th century British authors. More recently, he was a presenter for the second annual August Discussion program. Bill’s knowledge, enthusiasm, and humor have dazzled us since he first joined Aldus nearly twenty years ago.
2017: Genie Hoster
Genie Hoster knows about strong foundations. From restoring neglected Victorian homes needing a LOT of TLC to shepherding the Aldus Society through turbulent times of change and growth, Genie demonstrates the strength of quiet leadership.
Genie was a founding member of the Aldus Society, serving as its first Secretary in 1999 and several terms on the Board of Trustees. Ten years later, she was elected the first woman president of the Aldus Society, presiding over a time of significant growing pains in this organization. Genie also served as newsletter editor for ten years. At the end of her three years as president, the Aldus Society was no longer a small organization, informally run, but a thriving professional association that has continued to expand its role and impact on our local book community.
Genie’s background in architecture and communications were respectable professional pursuits, but as far as Aldus is concerned, it was Genie’s book sense—as a collector, dealer and now author—that matters most. Whether it was working in a bricks-and-mortar book store run with husband Jay, or generously helping Aldus members—and their loved ones—pass on precious book collections, or the creation of this very Carol Logue Fellowship Award to honor the contributions of Aldus members, Genie’s love for the book and its admirers has been an example for all of us.
On just about any day of the week you can find Genie hard at work selling books online from the home she is restoring to its former glory and working on a comprehensive history of Columbus book dealers. We are delighted to have her lay down both her hammer and her computer mouse to be honored.
2016: Tony Clark
Tony has served two terms on the Board (so far) serving dutifully on all its committees. His board tenure included a stint as Chair of the Membership Committee and I am one of the people he introduced to Aldus. He attends every single monthly program and graciously tolerates us introducing him to our speakers as our AV-Guy since he helps the speakers with any visuals or audio they need for their presentations.
He is a man of great heart, generous spirit and almost freakishly acute insight. He’s a master of the Tarot and among his collections is an impressive range of Tarot decks and books about the art of reading them. We’re fortunate to have him as our friend and so happy to thank him for all he does for Aldus.
2015: Lois Carlsten Smith
While we are lucky to have many practitioners of “biblio-fellowship” in The Aldus Society, Lois enthusiastically demonstrates these qualities in many ways:
- her initial support and hard work to help launch this merry band of bibliophiles,
- her tireless work organizing and running numerous book-related field trips across Ohio,
- her creation of countless opportunities for book fellowship such as special luncheons and the auction raffle, and
- her service on the board and on numerous committees.
Lois continues her “can do” attitude on or off the Board. When an Aldus need arises, Lois rolls up her sleeves and gets the job done or engages others to share the task. Whether it is sending a get well card to an ailing Aldus member or organizing volunteers and materials for an event—even when she can’t attend herself!—Lois steps up to meet the need.
This award is named for someone who embodied the very spirit we hope will be our legacy in this organization: a true and abiding fellowship founded on a deep love of books. Lois shares this legacy and we gratefully acknowledge that by presenting her with the Carol Logue Biblio-Fellowship Award.
2014: Marilyn Logue
Marilyn Logue, the 2014 award winner is a retired librarian and scholar. She has served two three-year terms on the Aldus Society Board of Trustees. While she served as our Program Chair she developed a democratic system of choosing speakers which involved everyone who was interested in being part of the selection process. She has also organized many picnics, field trips, and other Aldus events.
Marilyn has published numerous articles and continues to write for the Aldus Society Notes, the society’s newsletter.
Bobby Rosentock, an Aldus speaker from JustAJar Design Press in Marietta, wrote, “She was very kind to Sara & me throughout the process of having us come up to speak at Aldus. She clearly has a great appreciation for the rich history and charm of her hometown of Marietta and seems very deserving of this award.”
We couldn’t agree more. Congratulations, Marilyn!
2013: Christine Hayes
Christine Hayes (AKA Ramona Moon) was the hands-down favorite for the 2013 Biblio-Fellowship Award. She is a long-time member of Aldus and served two consecutive terms as Secretary on the Board of Trustees. As Secretary, she not only kept minutes of board meetings but also developed a notebook where important documents were kept. This notebook provided substantive material for the Aldus Archives, now housed at Ohio State’s RBMS.
After Christine stepped down from her duties as Secretary, she continued to serve Aldus in a charitable and selfless way. For each meeting and from her own funds, she prepares a beautiful table of coffee, tea, juice, and homemade cookies! Some people have said “Christine’s Cookies” are one of the main reasons they attend meetings!
Christine is an artist, a writer for The Short North Gazette, and creates unique Art Cars which draw admirers wherever she goes. This picture is one of her in her “freer, more halcyon” days but captures her beautiful, artistic spirit. Thank you, Christine, for making Aldus just that much better for all of us!
2012: Laralyn Sasaki-Dearing
It was an unanimous decision by the award committee who chose Laralyn for this recognition. In 2006 Laralyn developed, then headed the annual Silent Auction held in conjunction with our holiday dinner. Each year, she and her posse of merry “book elves” have gathered book donations for the auction, carefully recorded these donations for the donors’ tax purposes, assembled them into enticing auction lots, and happily gathered up winners’ payments at the end of each auction. This fun-filled event has raised funds which support our programming and also help underwrite the Ron Ravneberg speaker, who traditionally presents a program in March of each year. She has been an Aldus trustee for six years before rotating off the board in 2012.
Laralyn sent us this note of appreciation: “I truly thank the Aldus Society for the honor of being this year’s Carol Logue Fellowship Award recipient. Carol’s spirit accompanies all that we do with the holiday dinner and auction, and I am delighted for the additional reminder of her Aldus friendship.”
2011: Paul Watkins and Marcia Preston
Our first recipients of the Carol Logue Biblio-fellowship Award were Paul Watkins and Marcia Preston, both founding trustees who have generously given so much of their time, talents and resources in bringing members of our organization together.
Marcia was Aldus’ first Program Chair and was responsible for identifying early, fascinating speakers. Several of them were her “pen pals” from abroad (the legendary Graham Moss of Incline Press in England and Desmond Kenny of the iconic Kenny’s Bookshop in Galway, Ireland), whom she knew were going to be Stateside and could slip into Columbus to present a program to Aldus. Programs such as these got Aldus off to a strong start and earned us recognition in the book community for stimulating, extraordinary programming.
She also arranged a number of interesting field trips including a memorable bus trip to the Cleveland Museum of Art (our bus was buffeted by a tornado as we returned!) Marcia is a founding member of the Ladies’ Luncheons, always bringing interesting book items and pictures to these meetings. She has also hosted a number of the luncheons at her home as well. She has opened her home and collections to some of our program speakers, particularly those who have a special interest in small press and handmade publications. And since our beginning, Marcia has been an official greeter at our programs, welcoming newcomers and members alike to our meetings.
Paul is our “angel,” singularly responsible for the Thurber Center becoming the center for our program activities. During our formative years, our monthly meetings were held in a number of locales including the Upper Arlington Library auditorium, various classrooms at Ohio State, and meeting rooms at the Worthington and Clintonville libraries. His generosity has led to our permanent meeting place at Thurber Center where we can hold our programs and even have enough room for refreshments (and lots of biblio- conversing). Paul arranged for hassle-free lighted parking behind the Thurber Center at the State Auto lot (desperately needed after the Columbus police discovered they could ticket our program attendees when they forgot to “feed the meters” in front of Thurber Center, which wasn’t very nice of them). In addition Paul has donated a new portable sound system for our programs (on- and off-site), and each year has made major contributions of beautiful books, including many Folio Society treasures, to our annual Silent Auction.